Thursday 4 November 2010

The Sole Of The Devil...... By Shaun Dangerfield

Picture now a huge throne made of fire, an evil volcanic seat made for one, a large vat of single malt on the left, and a large tray of colombian marching powder on the right, an extra large pitchfork, and if you still have the vision sat right in the centre of it all like a massive party fiend is everybody's little whisper.......... Beelzebub, he like's a bit of it, and he like's his footwear a little bit edgy, just like me, in fact apart from the pitchfork and chair that would singe my backside were almost mirror imaged, he's probably got a massive soundtrack in the background of deep vocal house and nu disco, electro funk and 80's synth blaring away while he bop's and struts in his devilishly good navy Quoddy Grizzly.......... just like me.

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