Monday 11 July 2011

Universal Works Red Wax Baker ....... by Shaun Dangerfield.

Even before I start I know those who are regular reader's on here will be saying.....
"Another red jacket?...Really?......Really??".
I know I know but the thing is this is different to the rest really, it's a bit more smarter and the red waxed cotton just set's it off, so compared to the Red wax Uni Works fell parka for instance that I blogged about last week it's a completely different effort (in my eyes) not that I need to explain myself to anyone especially you ya filthy little blogger's..... always judging.
Anyway after toying with Albam's mighty red casual Blazer for a smarter looking night feast I stumbled back over this (I had a good nose at it on release but just didn't pull the trigger) and thought "I'll have that".

The thing I love most about it aside from it's ravishing red waxed cotton is the button hole that I intend to use with a flower purely because that's the way I visioned it, I love that look about it and I can't wait to air it, after picking up the chambray version early in the summer I'm much happier with the more structured feel this has due to the waxed cotton .....


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