Monday 31 October 2011

Little Breakout..... by Shaun Dangerfield.

I've not really posted a little break away blog since my Norway trip.
No real reason as to why I just seem to let the focus of music or clothing take over (much like my actual life).
So as it goes we went for a very nice break away on Friday to Minehead in Somerset until this afternoon, lot's of relaxing, lot's of food (Too much food), and just a bit of time out.
I won't bore you with the detail's of how I met Billy Bear (not the cheap sliced chopped ham kind) but just share a few of the photo's I took over the last few day's.
I will bore you though with the fact that I've found my little retirement home "The Captain's Cabin" and I intend to buy it outright and bring the music to Minehead.... and spoil myself on their fish & chip's.

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